Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts

Juggling your blog and university work! | Tips and Tricks

I was requested this post by another blogger which I can't remember who (so sorry) so I decided to bring this post to you as it's something which may help even not with just student bloggers but bloggers with full times jobs and other commitments. It's no secret I have a lot of posts scheduled in advance even a month or sometimes longer and it's just something I've done since I came back to blogging last February. With my mental health being so poor in the past I decided I didn't want to ever have no posts to go live so I made sure I had a huge load ready to go, same with my tweets it's more recently I've gotten round to scheduling my tweets but I am glad I do as it takes a weight off and gives me more regular views then ever (totally recommend Buffer, they are the bomb!) Today I am going to share my three top tips for staying on top of your blog and university work, although I only manage to stay on top of one blog and this one suffers a little bit- sorry blog!

Drafts @ The Ready: 
Having plenty of draft posts is a perfect way to keep on top of your blog, if you start writing a post and have to take a break it's always great to keep going back until you've finished some posts and then get them scheduled. Having a folder of photos which you can always go back to is an amazing thing too, I love seeing which photos I have left to use and then quickly draft up a post when I get the chance and then that way I have photos already there so I don't have to spend more time taking them.

Do Simpler Posts: 
By Simpler I mean things that don't involve a lot of your time doing, for example a tag these are always quick and easy posts and you can always grab a free image or two (totally recommend Pixabay) to make the post a bit more interesting! Other simple post ideas could be a wishlist post or even just writing your top tips about something. I have a post all about 25 ideas when you're stuck in a rut.

Using Blogging As An Escape:
When you're taking a break from university work, instead of watching TV or going to sleep take that time to blog, although you may need a bit longer to have a bit of a munch too. I'd totally recommend taking that hour you give yourself from studying to write a post or even just compile a load of pretty images and write a simple quote with them at the end of the day it's inspiring and still gives your readers something to go with.

At the end of the day if you can't manage blogging and studying it's important to remember your readers will understand!

*All GIFS are from Giphy

Would you drop out of uni? | Lets talk

Two post in one week?! That's right I am back and totally ready to get some amazing content out there for you lovely lot. I have wanted to write a post like this for a while and just haven't gotten around to doing so, the reason I want to write a post like this it to show people that dropping out of university isn't the end of the world and it is more common than you think. Despite not actually dropping out myself although I have contemplated it more times than I can count on one hand. The reason I didn't is still a mystery to myself as I find it hard to focus on the subject I have chosen and wish in first year I had decided to change instead of the advice I was given which was 'stick with it'.

With the research of My Voucher Codes I decided to find out why people want to drop out in their first year of university and if they actually would do it. My Voucher Codes took a survey of 1200 to find out their thoughts on the matter, and found out just under a third weren't planning on returning to university after Christmas. Which to me is a crazily high number, but there must be a reason as to why these people don't want to return? The Independent suggests being around strangers and studying away from home can just be too much overwhelming experience for some people which totally makes sense. I chose to study in my local town for this exact reason knowing that the changes would be too big for me to handle and I probably would of dropped out if this was the case.

Being at university can be a fun experience for those that make friends easily but what about those who don't? It makes sense for them to leave if university isn't what they thought it be like. In another case it can often be that people can't cope without their parents guidance and end up not knowing how to cook and spending all of their student money in the first week and then having to survive on rice for the next three months, isn't appealing at all.

For those who drop out because they don't like their course or the place where they are studying is something that rings true with myself, but the good news with these people some of them change course and end up completing their degree or end up changing campus and finding it a lot better, it is just about what works for you as a person. Those who drop out completely also end up finding alternative routes to their dream careers, including apprenticeships or just working their way up the career ladder which totally works too. Plus you're not broke for the entire time, bonus!

Although I wouldn't recommend dropping out of university to be a decision which you take lightly one bad month doesn't mean your whole course will suck, but sometimes the only way to be happy is to walk away, and that is something which is totally fine.

Did you consider dropping out in first year?  

*In collaboration with My Voucher Codes 

Making the most of your uni room! | Lifestyle

Pretty much everyone who has been to university knows that often than not the rooms aren't massive and when you're a blogger the chances are you have more stuff than room and it's a nightmare trying to find places to store it all so I thought I'd give you some tips today for keeping your room organized and finding places for all of your stuff (or at least most of it anyways)

First off, start by sorting out your stuff to get rid of unwanted items: 
Clothes that no longer fit? DVDs that you're holding on to that you've never watched? Get rid of them all, have a good old clear out and if you find anything which is worth money, sell it online and then use the money to put towards storage space for your new room. Win win situation!

Drawers and boxes are your best friends: 
My uni room consists of a stack of storage boxes from Tk Maxx which are perfect for buying different sizes and stacking them on top of each other, or just having one big one. They look lovely and you can fill them with different items, I use mine for items I have no idea what to do with. Also sets of draws are perfect for storage and although they take up more room it's an awesome way to store things easily. I have a big set full of makeup and one mini set on my desk for pens, and brushes and other bits and pieces saves the desk clutter.

Order your wardrobe: 
Most wardrobes have a top section, a wardrobe part then a set of drawers underneath so it's about making the most of the space you have. The top part is perfect for bags and shoes, or if you have a lot of shoes like me the draw under your bed is another perfect place. Of course the middle bit is for hanging clothes, do this in order and it's perfect for keeping organized. I like to have longer stuff at the end like jeans and dresses then tees separate. If you are desperate for space you can use this for storing other things like shoes and bags but if not you can keep this free of clutter. Lastly the drawers are perfect for storing all of your clothes, make sure they're folded and then you can fit more in. I usually keep one of the drawers free for summer clothes/winter clothes to keep my wardrobe less cluttered.

Keep it clean: 
I am terrible at this, but my room honestly feels 100x bigger when it is clean as there's space to walk and you can see the floor, when the room is quite compact more mess makes it feel cluttered which equals smaller space.

These are my basic tips for ordering your university room and if you have a massive room I am super jealous of you, as I want a lovely dresser and lots of makeup room! 

Ten Weird University Societies | Lifestyle

I think societies are an awesome way to make friends at university who have similar interests to yourself, of course you have your friends who you know from your accommodation then probably some in your lectures but it's good to have friends who you have a lot in common with also. After reading up on this I thought I would share with you ten weird societies followed accompanied by some rather strange GIFs.

1. The Caramel Wafer Appreciation Society:
I guess they just really like caramel wafers and want to share their love of that with others!

2. The Hummus Society:
This kind of reminds me of Will off the Inbetweeners like everytime I hear of anyone liking hummus, I can't say I would join a society due to my love of hummus.

3. The Kettle Society:
Sharing their love of teas made in different types of kettles, not one for me as I hate tea.

4. The Curry Love Society:
This makes a little bit more sense, although I am not a fan of curry in the slightest.

5. The Cheesy Pop Society:
NOW we are talkin' I need this society at my university, talking love of anything N sync and Backstreet Boys sounds like my kinda thing.

6. Stitch and Bitch Society:
I understand the stitching but the two don't seem to go together well in my opinion? Stitching just seems peaceful and well mainly for the older generation?

7. Hide and Seek Society:
Okay so this is way cool, and I am not even joking. I would happily meet up with people and play hide and seek, who says this game is just for kids on rainy days.

8. The Twenty Minute Society:
A society where you have twenty minutes to get a location which is texted to you and they do something fun at that location.

9. The Fetish Society:
Basically what it says on the tin, a society where people meet to discuss their love of weird fetishes and why they enjoy them... *hides*

10. The Pancake Society:
My favourite on the list has to be this one, I love pancakes and would happily join a society to talk about them and eat them.