Drafts @ The Ready:
Having plenty of draft posts is a perfect way to keep on top of your blog, if you start writing a post and have to take a break it's always great to keep going back until you've finished some posts and then get them scheduled. Having a folder of photos which you can always go back to is an amazing thing too, I love seeing which photos I have left to use and then quickly draft up a post when I get the chance and then that way I have photos already there so I don't have to spend more time taking them.
By Simpler I mean things that don't involve a lot of your time doing, for example a tag these are always quick and easy posts and you can always grab a free image or two (totally recommend Pixabay) to make the post a bit more interesting! Other simple post ideas could be a wishlist post or even just writing your top tips about something. I have a post all about 25 ideas when you're stuck in a rut.
When you're taking a break from university work, instead of watching TV or going to sleep take that time to blog, although you may need a bit longer to have a bit of a munch too. I'd totally recommend taking that hour you give yourself from studying to write a post or even just compile a load of pretty images and write a simple quote with them at the end of the day it's inspiring and still gives your readers something to go with.
At the end of the day if you can't manage blogging and studying it's important to remember your readers will understand!
*All GIFS are from Giphy
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