Don't know what you want to do? Don't worry you're not alone. Going to university is exciting time and also a time where it seems like every has it figured out. You're left with the question what am I doing? Here are something things to remember when going to university and haven't no idea what you're going to major in.
Some people are not ready
It may seem like everyone got there stuff together but in reality were all freaking out a little. No one wants to go to school and go to class everyday it's like high school all over again. But it's like high school people still don't know who they are and their trying to figure out.
Not knowing what you're going to do with the rest of your life is okay.
Lots of people say you need to have a plan. You have to know what you're going to do. Actually it okay to start with the basic classes first and maybe take time to find something you're interested in too. You have your whole life ahead of you why rush into something your not going to like in a year.
Step back
Step back and think about what you like. Think what courses did I take that I liked. Start from there and think about is it something I see myself doing? Will I be happy?
Keep theses in mind and take your time with what you want to do. There's no point in throwing yourself into classes that you will hate in a couple years. Go for a major that makes you happy and you can see yourself doing forever.