Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

How To Deal With Long Distance Relationships | Tips

Going to university can often mean moving to a new town/city, making new friends and possibly even meeting a romantic interest which is perfect if of course you're single. If you meet that person at university, or you have that person waiting back for you at home it can include large periods of separation making you in a long distance relationship and dependant on how far apart it is, it can often mean weeks or even months without seeing that person which obviously sucks. I think it's important to remember how much you care for that person and despite not being in a room with them everyday it doesn't mean that you don't love it each other, it just means for a while you can't be together all of the time.

I thought today I would compile a list of tips for you lovelies, to help with long distance relationships and how to make them work and after all what doesn't kill you (or break you up in this sense) will make you stronger right?

Communication is key:
This may seem fairly obvious but to some people it actually isn't, I think it's important to make a time in your day everyday to speak to that person, whether it be a text, a call or something else like Skype or Facetime, I had a friend at college who had a girlfriend in Ireland and they used a free app to call each other which they found helpful. Of course as you're at university, the chances are it won't be for too long so you can plan your return dates and plan things to do when you're back.

Surprise Visits:
Who doesn't love surprises? I think it's an awesome idea to go visit your other half whether it be for a day or a week, it'll mean the world to them and give you a chance to spend a bit of time together which of course is a win on both parties.

Skype Dates:
So this is going to sound totally random and to some people a no go, but if you're a fan of skype or some other platform online which involves a webcam this one is for you. Set an hour or two a week where you can hang out together, although you may not be in the same room, you can still see each other and even watch the same thing or eat the same thing. It's a bit of fun, and a new way to date!

Remember it's not forever!
Like I said at the start of this post, it's important to remember the distance isn't forever and if you make it through the distance, when you're together it'll be way more worth it and it'll make you stronger than ever, and if you can survive being apart for so long you'll definitely be okay when you're back together!