Showing posts with label Study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Study. Show all posts

How to deal with deadline stress | Studying

If you're a student right now, this post will totally appeal to you as deadline time is fast approaching and that means panic stations! That report that needed writing last month and is now due in a matter of days, quick pull of the all nighters. In my case I have 2 pieces of film and 2 reports due in the next few weeks eeekkk. But thank god for being kind of organized and doing them pretty far in advance or I would be a huge mess right now. So I thought today I would share with you some of my tips for dealing with the stress of deadlines and I hope it helps you lovelies to have less stressful deadlines in the future.

Break it down: 
Although your deadline is in less than a week, break your work load down and give your self incentives. For example if I write 1000 words, I can have a break and order a pizza and then after my next 2000 I can eat the pizza. That sort of thing works with me and it keeps me motivated and focused on the task at hand.

Get sleep: 
Although when you're stressing about your deadlines the last thing you want to do is go to sleep but staying up all night is only going to ruin your concentration for the next day, so it's worth going to bed getting sleep and starting a fresh tomorrow.

Take breaks: 
If you sit in front of a PC for hours on end you are eventually going to loose concentration and start writing a load of rubbish, so it's worth moving away from the PC and giving your eyes and mind a rest for a while and going back to it later.

Eat and drink: 
It's important to keep eating regularly and also drink lots of water, although you may not feel like doing so, you must do so. Without you'll start feeling ill and not be able to work properly making your work less likely to be any good.

Make sure you believe that you can get it done, if you're constantly doubting yourself you may as well just give up. Without hope there's no chance.