There is so much you need to know before moving into your student house, here are some tips from Walton Robinson to help you along on your way. Before you start - why not read over our top 10 tips for what to do before you move out to help avoid deposit charges, which you can check out here. Hopefully you find this post interesting as there are so many different parts of moving into a student house which students aren't made aware of.
1) Make a plan in advance -There is nothing worse than not having a plan for an event like this. When moving house, you want everything to be as stress free as possible. Maybe you can your family and friend if they can lend a hand? If there's a few of you moving together, it could be worth hiring a van so you can do it all in one trip!
2) Paperwork - Moving is stressful, before you move into your house it is vital you make sure that all paperwork is complete and all fee and rent payments have been made. If you're in a group, make sure every single one of you have completed everything - if just one person is missing one payment or piece of paperwork we won't give out any keys at all until everything is 100% complete!
3) Collecting the keys - Check with your agent or landlord if there is a certain time you have to collect your keys. At Walton Robinson it must be after 3pm and you must call up and make an appointment in advance. Speak to your housemates about when they're moving in, the first person to come to the office can collect all the keys for each tenant.
4) Know your point of contact - When you collect your keys make sure you are given the number and email address of the person you need to contact if there are any issues with the property, and if there is a separate number for out of hours’ emergencies. This will either be the landlord or, if your property is managed by Walton Robinson, your property supervisor. You can also find details here if WR manage your property. We also appoint a lead tenant, someone who is our point of contact for when we need to inform you about viewings and inspections.
5) Inventory - You will be given an inventory when you move in, either from Walton Robinson or the landlord. Make sure you know the deadline for returning the completed inventory (with WR it is seven days) and that you pay close attention to every item and make any corrections that may be necessary. This will help when it comes to moving out and getting your deposit back at the end of the tenancy.
6) Utilities & Bills- You will be asked to record meter readings on your inventory form. Keep a note of them as you will need this information when creating new utilities accounts. If you need any help with this, call your property supervisor and they will be happy to help.
7) Council Tax - Students are exempt from paying council tax but you will need to inform the council of your exemption status or you will be sent a bill. Download the form here.
8) Summer Arrangements - If you're moving your things in but not actually living there over the summer, let your landlord or agent know. This bit's obvious but remember to switch the heating and any plugs off before you leave and make sure you don't leave any valuables on display! You never know who might be peaking in.
*Guest Post By Walton Robinson.