5 Things EVERY New Student Needs To Know | Tips and Tricks!

A bit of a different one on the blog today and although the I have a totally different blog I decided I would bring you a student related post on Dungarees & Donuts, as I know I still have some student readers here and I thought it would make a good Wednesday post, having 6 months of my degree left after already studying for 3 years I would say I have a good idea on how to live life as a student and all of the things which come with it. From saving money to nights out, here on Dungarees & Donuts I've experienced it all. Today I thought I would share just 5 things all new students need to know although I could probably go on for weeks. I hope you enjoy this post and if you fancy reading any other student posts feel free to check out my other blog Dungarees & Degrees.

1. Student = Discount
Being a student means you get discount on so many things, from food to clothing and even cheap nights out. It's amazing being a student because you get so many discounts and it enables you to spend more. Although sometimes it can be a bad thing, hello 40 pairs of shoes.

2. Cheap Travel
Similar to the last point but this one is aimed more at travel as there is so many different ways for a student to travel. Stagecoach offer an amazing discount for university students meaning that you can travel around the city for a discount price. As well as the discount you can get on trains by using a Railcard.

3. It's OK to feel lost.
During the first few weeks of university everyone is feeling the same way as you are, a bit lost and unsure of what to do as well as probably homesick and trying to adjust to life whilst at university, it is totally fine to feel this way.

4. Enjoy Freshers
Whilst you are in first year university is nowhere as serious or as hard as the years to come, it is totally worth having your parties and getting drunk lots during the first year before the hard work commences after. When you stop being a fresher it totally changes everything!

5. The Pot Noodle Diet
When you first become a student it often becomes a case of eating easy food for the next few months until you get settled. Pot noodles are a personal favourite of mine along with pasta and pizza takeaway. As long as you eat some stuff which is relatively healthy eventually, you'll be fine!

I hope you enjoyed my tips on being a new student!

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